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Welcome to SECKHS


Welcome everyone.

This space was created for us to commune, as well as share our research and thoughts on matters that impact our health, physical life and spirituality. The latter, I am pretty sure is the most controversial, due to our varied programming and belief systems. I therefore will stress the point that we are not here in this space to debate each other on what is shared or to try and win arguments. We are here to be exposed to information that is either being deliberately kept from us, or just simply incognizant of.

seckhs 30

Quest For Wisdom

Our group consists of individuals of varied backgrounds. Some are relatives, lifelong friends and acquaintances who range from employees to corporate management, to business owners, to movers and shakers. I am certain that there are less than six degrees of separation for most of us in this group. We obviously grew up with various programming and have different belief systems, but we were brought together in one group not because you were all invited by me, but primarily because of our common objective; our quest for truth, knowledge, and understanding which are the foundational attributes of wisdom. 

Proverbs 4 7

Wisdom is the most valuable asset a human can possess and it is the measure by which you will be judged in both the physical and spiritual realms. It is responsible for all your decisions and creations, so at the end of the day or shall I say your days, the sum total of your life will reflect your wisdom. 

If you do a search for the word wisdom in the Bible, you will find it littered with it. Here are some of my favorites.

Proverbs 3 13

Proverbs 3:13-14 - Blessed are those that find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.

Disclaimer: Not all information shared within this group will be true.It is our job to continuously employ our erasers and sharpen our pencils until we via consensus unanimously (and without a doubt) arrive at the truth.

  • I don’t believe anyone in this group possess the intention to deliberately spread misinformation. We should therefore in lieu of responding with opinions, respond instead with evidence challenging or proving otherwise, so that opposing minds have both sides on an issue for discernment. 
  • This is not a class where the person who invited you is your teacher. In my case, I am personally looking to learn and I won’t be able to do so unless you also share information.
  • We cannot learn from each other if we are all singing the same song on the same choir. It is only when we receive information that challenges our existing beliefs that we are challenged to ascend in our consciousness and it is when we ascend that we are able to enlighten others that were once where we were.
  • Let us all then be tolerable of the contrasting information shared within our group and share your beliefs without trying to judge, trample on or censor the beliefs of others. Just hold your corner and keep it moving by sharing your knowledge or research. 


Let us use this group as a resource for information. I wish for us to use our wisdom to discern truth and use that truth to enlighten (and maybe in some cases save) the lives of others, because at the end of it all, your life is measured not by what you did for yourselves, but by what you did for others.

SECKHS is devoted to the revelation of truth.

Love & Light ~ SOM

 Daniel 12 3

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