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1934: Awarded John Scott Medal

Scientific American article featuring Tesla's photograph.

Scientific American article featuring Tesla's photograph.

Scientific American magazine with Tesla electro-static article.


Scientific American magazine with Tesla electro-static article

January 2nd, 1934: Tesla Moves To New Yorker

A settlement was reached with the Westinghouse Corporation that provided Tesla with a consulting rate of $125.00 per month along with the agreement to pay his monthly rent expenses. Upon signing the agreement, Tesla promptly moved to the Hotel New Yorker where he'd live rent free for the rest of his days. The debt owed to Hotel Governor Clinton was never paid.

The Hotel New Yorker letterhead from the time when Tesla lived there.
The Hotel New Yorker letterhead from the time when Tesla lived there.
An aerial view of the Hotel New Yorker.
An aerial view of the Hotel New Yorker.

A street level view of the Hotel New Yorker.

The elegant and luxurious lobby of the Hotel New Yorker.
The elegant and luxurious lobby of the Hotel New Yorker.
The Hotel New Yorker, where Tesla would live the rest of his life.
The Hotel New Yorker, where Tesla would live the rest of his life.

A street level view of the Hotel New Yorker.March, 1934: Scientific American Feature

An article by Tesla called "Possibilities of Electro-Static Generators" is published in "Scientific American" which features "Colossus," a two-million volt Van de Graff generator which is now on display at the Boston Museum of Science.

The John Scott Medal from The City of Philadelphia.
The John Scott Medal from The City of Philadelphia.

June 29th, 1934: Awarded John Scott Medal

The City of Philadelphia awarded Nikola Tesla with the John Scott Medal for the invention of the rotating magnetic field and induction motor.

An artist's representation of Tesla's particle beam weapon.
An artist's representation of Tesla's particle beam weapon.

July 11th, 1934: Tesla's Death Ray

The headline on the front page of "The New York Times" read, "TESLA, AT 78, BARES NEW 'DEATH BEAM.'" The article reported that the new invention "will send concentrated beams of particles through the free air, of such tremendous energy that they will bring down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 250 miles..." Tesla stated that the death beam would make war impossible by offering every country an "invisible Chinese wall."

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