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1915: Sharing Nobel Prize Articles

George C. Boldt, the proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria.
George C. Boldt, the proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria.

November 6th, 1915: Sharing Nobel Prize Articles

"The New York Times," followed by other prominent news sources, carried a story, based upon a Reuters dispatch from London, stating that Tesla and Edison were to share the Nobel Prize in physics. Both Tesla and Edison told reporters they had received no official notification of the award. A few days later the Nobel Committee announced that the prize for physics would, in fact, be shared by Professor William Henry Bragg of the University of Leeds, England and his son. The committee did not deny that Tesla and Edison were the first choices, but never made public the true reason for the change. Some speculate that either Tesla or Edison or both refused to share the prize with the other.

1915: Office At 8W 40th St.

After leaving the Woolworth Building, Tesla relocates his office to 8W 40th St., which was directly across the street from Bryant Park and his beloved pigeons.

The building at 8W 40th St. where Tesla once had an office.
The building at 8W 40th St. where Tesla once had an office.

1915: Wardenclyffe Deed Surrendered

In order to keep a roof over his head, Tesla had given two mortgages on Wardenclyffe to George C. Boldt, proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria, to secure payment of hotel bills amounting to almost $19,000.00. Tesla requested that they not be recorded, fearing that all his projects would be destroyed if the matter became public. He was unable to make any payments at all, and was forced to sign the deed over to Waldorf-Astoria, Inc., through a silent intermediary.

Tesla's letterhead featuring the World Wireless System.
Tesla's letterhead featuring the World Wireless System.

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